Model Our Clothing/Products – Influence for us!

No doubt that Social Media has driven any and all “clothing” and “product” store’s sales the last 15 or so years. Social Influencers have changed the landscape of advertising on many platforms from Pinterest to Instagram to TikTok to Snapchat to the oldie but goodie, Facebook. We at Sled Theory are a new company. We know using models and athletes and friends to post about us or share us or “influence” for us is how we will grow into 2021, 2022 and beyond. Therefore, we believe in your social media accounts helping us.

If you would like to rep or influence for Sled Theory, send owner Jim an email right away and let’s try to work something out. We may have to start together slow but we can certainly grow together as our company grows and our advertising budget increases.

So for full transparency, here is how it would work as of the launch of our company (NOVEMBER 2020):

We are looking for influencers and affiliates, models and athletes, to help us build Sled Theory (and our non-snowmobiling product site, BlastCrash). We would like you to wear our clothing and use our products, take photos or videos, and post about them on your social media accounts! (We also have hundreds of thousands of snowmobiling photos and videos we can send for you to help your posts grab attention.)

Here’s how it will work: Until we start making sales, discount codes are our only way to get products into your hands. So once you contact us, we provide you with a discount code based on your follower numbers on the big 5 social media platforms (it’s ok if you only use one or 2 platforms. We grew our big snowmobiling business in the past only on Facebook and Instagram). You can order as much as you want or as little as you want with your code. We have over 2000 different products based off over 200 different logos and artwork and will soon have thousands more on our 3 different storefronts:

SnowmobileMerch Page

Once you place your order and it arrives in your hands, we will contact you with a unique discount code that you can use in your specific posts for our products. This discount code is unique to you and will track any sales attributed to your posts. Not only will it give your family, friends and fans a nice discount when they order from our sites, but we will ALSO PAY YOU a percentage of each sale you make! The percentage of cash you earn differs depending on which store they are shopping in and which products they are buying but ranges from 5% to 15%! Once you have made a pre-determined dollar amount in sales for us, you become a fully sponsored model or athlete (influencer) who will get a yearly budget of FREE Sled Theory or Blastcrash products (and some SnowmobileMerch Products)! There is also potential to travel to snow shows and be included in future Snowmobile film days (and summer-time fun days for Blastcrash Influencers)


  1. Email us right now for your discount code to place your order. It will range from 30% to 60% off depending on your number of followers.
  2. Once you get your products, we will contact you with your specific “Influencer Code”. This is the discount shopping code you will put in your posts to drive traffic to our site(s).
  3. Your family, friends and fans use your Influencer Code to get a discount on our awesome products.
  4. YOU get a percentage of each sale you make, paid via Venmo or Paypal, every month.
  5. Once your Influencer Code has been used enough to meet your pre-determined sales goals, you become a fully sponsored model/athlete for either SledTheory or Blashcrash.

And that’s it! Our relationships blossoms as we grow and help you grow!

Questions, comments, suggestions, requests? EMAIL JIM NOW BY CLICKING HERE.